LinkedIn for Growing Commercial Business
You probably think that LinkedIn won’t help you grow your countertop, cabinet or tile business. For most people, this is absolutely true. For a few smart business owners or sales managers that are open to trying new things our LinkedIn program really works.
Commercial vs. Residential Business. For many of our clients, their focus is on growing residential customers (B2C). Some of our clients only focus on commercial work (B2B). In either case – all of our clients seek repeat business from interior designers, builders, contractors, property management companies, architects, construction company and more.
How Does Networking Work? LinkedIn is the world’s largest networking site. People that are on it expect to connect with others that are in similar businesses. Potential customers, vendors, and employees or employers are expecting to communicate with each other. That means if you are a countertop fabricator, or cabinet company – custom home builders, kitchen remodelers, and contracts may want to “connect” with you and vice versa. Read More
Learn to be a LinkedIn All-Star
Did you know that Linkedin ranks you? There are different levels of users and your ranking is based on several criteria. Your goal is to become an All-Star. Your rank is actually a profile strength meter. Your profile strength meter is on the right side of your profile and gauges how robust your profile is. Your strength will increase as you add more content. Here are a few tips to becoming an All-Star. Read More
Does a Hacked Website affect Organic Search & SEO
How does a hacked website impact SEO
Websites can be hacked in many ways – most customers don’t even know they’ve been hacked until someone or some service tells them. Google has gotten better a not only finding hacke Read More