
Customer Relationship Management\u00a0“CRM” Software<\/h2>\n


Over the years we’ve produced hundreds of thousands of leads for our clients.\u00a0 The one thing that always bothered us was that few, if any, of our clients, had either a database to manage all of the leads or an effective way to follow up with their customers (consumer or business).<\/p>\n

Stop Throwing Money Away!<\/strong>\u00a0 It never made a lot of sense to us that our clients would spend $25-$75 to acquire leads via their website, print ads, google or facebook PPC ads, third parties or other online methods, only to follow up with the “hot leads” until the lead either converts or dies.\u00a0 The result is that most clients chase only the leads in front of them and literally throw away money spent on everything else.<\/p>\n

A Simple Math Problem<\/strong>.\u00a0 By way of example, if a company spends $3,000 per month on marketing and generates 150 leads, typically only closes 30 transactions, 120 leads get lost.\u00a0 Over the course of a year that equates into nearly 1,500 leads – $37,500<\/strong>\u00a0that’s essentially lost.\u00a0 Worse, is that we spend 100% of our time chasing the 30 customers and 0% of our time marketing to the 120 prospects who could be future buyers, refer friends and family or build local market brand awareness.<\/p>\n


The Truth about CRM’s.\u00a0\u00a0<\/strong>The truth is that CRM’s used to be complex to use and expensive.\u00a0 That’s no longer true.\u00a0 We’ve worked with SharpSpring for several years and have perfected a program that’s both easy to implement, easy to use and very effective in tracking all of your leads, all of your customers and setting up automation and while integrated with your email.\u00a0 This way your communications work for you rather than you trying to manage it.<\/p>\n

Our CRM includes the following:<\/p>\n